Dressmaking Scissors – My 6 Favourite Ultimate Guide

Why Do I Need So Many Different Scissors?
If you, like me, love dressmaking then you know just how important it is to have the right sewing tools. Especially scissors. Here I explain my 6 favourite dressmaking scissors and more importantly, their uses.
But what if you’re just starting out on your journey in dressmaking and you’re not sure what tools and equipment that you need. Well in this post I’m going to share with you my all time 6 favourite dressmaking scissors that I use daily and would not be without.
They all have their own unique purpose and totally invaluable whilst I’m dressmaking.
Large Dressmaking Scissors and why do I need them?
These are my heavy duty dressmaking scissors which I use for cutting out my fabrics. They have 6in blades which are extremely sharp, perfect for cutting out any fabric. They cut through all types of fabrics from light cotton through to heavy denim and canvas. If you’re going to spend money on buying dressmaking fabrics, and some can be quite expensive, then I highly recommend that you do invest in a decent pair of sharp dressmaking scissors.
I find the longer the blade the better the cut that you get. I have found that using scissors with a shorter blade, you do sometimes get that jagged edge in between each cut. My scissors are also very sturdy and weigh approx. 385gms. This may seem heavy for scissors but they are built to cut through thick or even multiple layers of fabrics.
As you can see the handles vary from the regular shape scissors. These have one smaller finger hole and a larger finger hole, as opposed to symmetrical scissors. which have equal size finger holes.
The long sharp blades are designed to cut at an angle so the fabric doesn’t move. If you notice the top blade is rounded whilst the bottom blade is pointed, designed for accurate cutting. Obviously they are not designed for smaller sewing tasks as they are far too big, quite heavy and cumbersome for that.
If you’re going to invest in a pair of scissors then I would recommend buying the best dressmaking scissors that you can afford.
My Prym Dressmaking Scissors can be purchased here!

If your wondering about this pretty fabric, I used it recently to make my latest dressmaking project. The Betty Blouse. It’s such a pretty and easy pattern to follow and perfect if your looking for an easy sew. See my VLOG here where I am chatting about it. Please don’t forget to subscribe here, if you love my content and tutorials.
Dressmaking Pinking Shears and What Do They Do?
Included in my 6 favourite dressmaking scissors list are these pinking shears. They are ideal for cutting woven cloth or fabrics that easily fray. Woven cloth edges that are unfinished will easily fray, so you need to stop this from happening. You can either use a zigzag stitch on your sewing machine or use an overlocker.
However, not everyone has the luxury of this. You may have a basic sewing machine that only has straight stitch. So what do you do? You can use Pinking Shears which will give a lovely sawtooth finish. This will not completely prevent the fraying but it will limit the frayed length and prevent your seams from undoing.
I love my pinking shears, as sometimes it’s just as quick to use them than get my overlocker out. Especially if I am only cutting a small area of fabric out. Not only do they give a nice serrated edge to the fabric but it can used as a decorative edging too.
However, if you are looking to invest in an overlocker then I can highly recommend the Brother 4234D which is a middle range priced machine. This is the model I use and I wouldn’t be without it. Or the Brother 2104D which is a great budget overlocker. Both are invaluable if you’re going to be doing lots of dressmaking.
Although if you only need to edge a small project then that’s when your pinking shears are invaluable. You can buy them here on Amazon.

Paper Scissors – Do I really need a separate pair?
As the title says these scissors are purely just for cutting out paper. I have a piece of red string attached to the handle of my favourite pair, so I know that’s what they’re only to be used for.
You must never use your fabric cutting scissors for paper as the paper will just blunt your blades. So it’s always best to have a separate pair purely just for cutting out your paper patterns and anything else with paper.
However, it’s still quite good to have a decent pair of paper scissors. This link will take you to a lovely set of 3 for a really good price. They are the same as mine.
They don’t have to be too expensive so long as the blades are sharp enough to go through your paper. I like to use a fairly large pair of scissors for cutting out my paper patterns with a large blade size. Approx. 4in blades are more than adequate.
They cut much better than smaller paper scissors and dont leave that jagged edge which you sometimes get when using smaller sizes. I just find them very comfortable to use especially when cutting out pattern pieces that have lots of components. Obviously you need to get the scissors that are more comfortable for you.
Remember to identify your paper scissors with a ribbon or string or buy a complete different colour so you know that they are just for paper cutting only. Also so your family members know this too and they don’t go using your treasured dressmaking scissors for making cardboard models etc.

Duckbill Scissors – Why are they called this and how to use them
Duckbill scissors or also known as appliqué scissors ideal to have in your sewing kit. Called Duckbill because of the shape of the lower blade which looks similar to a pelican or duck bill.
They aren’t a necessity but very useful for trimming your fabrics that have lots of layers. I like to use mine when I’m grading my seams around necklines and collars and cuffs areas.
The flat wide part of the blade, also known as the ‘bill’ or ‘paddle, slides under the top layer of fabric and pushes the bottom layer out of the way. Thus preventing the bottom layer from being cut. As I mentioned before I like to use them this way when grading my seams.
You could simply use a smaller pair of sharp scissors for this but I like to use the Duckbill scissors as they are so accurate for me.

Small Point Scissors and What Do I Use Them For?
My small point scissors are approx. 2.5in blade length. They are ideal for trimming loose threads when dressmaking. I also like to use them as they are small and light to handle. Especially if I have a lot of trimming to do, making them easier on the wrist and hands. They generally have very sharp blades with a fine point on the end. Perfect for using on cuffs and collars to poke the corners through , although you have to be careful not to to damage the fabric.

Stork/Embroidery Scissors – Functional But Pretty!
My final favorite scissor that I use all the time are these stork/embroidery scissors. They are very similar to the small point scissors I use but so much prettier. I keep my set next to my sewing machine my Brother Innovis, so they are nice and handy and I use them to trim my thread ends. They are perfect for this as they are small and accurate. Really light to use but extremely sharp.

So I hope this post has been helpful for you. It’s always quite daunting when setting out on a new hobby or craft and not being sure of what tools that you need. Expensive does not always mean good quality so just be aware when you are buying your next pair of scissors.
There are lots and lots of different types of scissors on the market, but you don’t need them all especially when starting out on your dressmaking journey. That’s why I have listed my 6 top favourite scissors for you, that I use every day in my dressmaking. Happy sewing, be creative and be you!
Jayne x