How To Style Your Crochet: My Crochet Lookbook Inspiration

Crochet Lookbook Inspiration
How I Style My Crochet
Do you find that you love making crochet patterns but then find you are not sure how to wear or style them? Then in this post, I am hopefully going to inspire you with some crochet style lookbook inspiration!
It’s not always easy to see beyond the crochet project you have just completed. Especially if you have spent a lot of time and effort in making your latest creation. By the time you have finished your project, you sometimes wonder what now? How do I wear it? What do I wear it with? Will it even go with anything in my wardrobe?
Sometimes you can be left feeling a bit like this and you end up not even wearing what you’ve made. All your hard work, time and money are wasted and banished to the back of the closet!
Well let me tell you there is nothing worse than feeling underwhelmed and this more often than not can prevent you from creating more beautiful crochet work.
One Blouse 4 Different Looks

In this picture, I have chosen to make the Florence Capelet in Burnt Orange but edged in khaki. This way I know it will compliment the blouse. It also works really well with my M&S Check Trousers too!
All my crochet designs are meant to be created and enjoyed for you to wear with style. But before you embark on your next crochet project you need to plan better. Choose your yarn colour (s) carefully and ensure they will compliment what’s in our wardrobe. This way you can be certain that it will get worn. Also, choose your crochet pattern wisely. Choose a style that suits you and something that you will wear over and over. Try to choose staple pieces that you can mix n match with lots of other clothes you already have.

I love the shoulder snug and capelet designs best. I know that I will wear them and they will not only compliment my clothes but I know they also suit me. I much prefer this type of crochet accessory to something like a jumper or cardigan. This is purely my own personal choice, as I prefer to layer my outfits with lots of different items which in turn creates my very own style.
Choose The Right Shade Of Yarn

I’ve taken this pretty khaki blouse and made 4 different outfits by picking out the green shades in my crochet designs. They either coordinate or complement the khaki colour. How easy is that!
In this image, I am wearing one of my favourite designs …. The Sweet Georgia ruffle capelet. The different shades I chose in this colour changing yarn all compliment this blouse.
Be confident in what you really like and how you like to wear things. If you like jumpers and scarfs instead of poncho or wrap style then go for this type of pattern. This way you know it’s going to make you feel confident and comfortable when wearing them. By doing this you will learn to enjoy your wardrobe and develop your very own style.
Add A Brooch

In this image, I have paired Mabel Shoulder Snug with a raggy brooch. The colours in the fabric in the brooch compliment the khaki blouse and the snug. The colours in the trousers also compliment the colours in the blouse and crochet snug!
This is what I have learned to do over the last few years and I know what I like to wear and how to style it. I no longer worry about dressing to please others, I wear what I want and love. By doing this I am much more confident in myself and how I dress. I love to try new styles out, although not all of them either suit me or make me feel comfortable. But this is the only way you can find out what you really like.

So be confident and dress how you want to dress. Stop worrying about what others may think. Life is too short. Plan your next crochet project, but choose the right colour scheme and style. Then make it and wear it with confidence and flair. You will feel liberated I promise you.
Crochet Style Lookbook Inspiration

I hope that I have inspired you to go and look at your wardrobe in a new light. What outfits can you create using just a few staple pieces and some of my crochet designs.
YouTube Vlog
I have lots more crochet inspiration ideas on my crochet channel alongside all my crochet tutorials.
Until the next time ….. happy crochet!